What Makes a Workshop / Seminar Valuable?
If you’re at all like me, you’ve probably found yourself attending workshops or seminars in the past where you have serious regrets about spending the money to attend.
You know what I’m talking about … The organizers run up one speaker after the next and they spew out a bunch of information for 45 minutes, take a few minutes of questions, and then head for the doors so the next speaker can come up and do the same thing.
Of course there are the other “free seminars” where someone will come in and pontificate on their theories of how things should work and the information is superficial and pretty much just a regurgitation of something they’ve read from someone else. Don’t get me wrong, some of their information is useful, but mostly they give you just enough so they can get your interest and then sell you something.
I could go on and on about all the other scenarios that I’ve come across, but I’ll save you the pain of remembering those dollars you seemingly threw out the window, or more importantly the time you’ve lost.
When we were brainstorming about the Mindscape Internet Marketing Academy we wanted to make sure we set clear objectives to ensure our workshop was different than the rest. I feel the most important thing we did was to set those objectives based on what we believed would be most important to our attendees. The following are the three objectives we set:
- Teach the exact processes we’ve used over the past 10 years that have led to millions of dollars of increased revenue for our clients. Along with exposing our attendees to the processes we’ll also work with them to get “hands on” experience with the tools we use to go through these processes, but more importantly the thinking behind the process. We are 100% positive that tools without knowledge are useless.
- Develop a follow up program to ensure the attendees have the support necessary to implement what they’ve learned. I understand there may be some seminars / workshops that do offer follow up support, but they also probably come along with a price tag. We wanted to make sure we built it into the cost of the workshop. We believe that by doing this we would eliminate any extra barriers that might prevent a smaller company from maximizing the impact of what they learn. We also realize some people may be attending who might be looking for a new career path due to so many declining industries.
- Lastly, although we opened our Internet Marketing Academy nationally, we wanted to make sure we have the available resources to deliver on our follow up plan. This caused us to limit the size of the class.
The bottom line is we actually care about the value our attendees will receive and we want to make sure we are equipping you with all the tools and knowledge necessary to be successful online. This isn’t your basic “social media” seminar that seems to be popping up all over the place. Our Internet Marketing Academy is focused on providing everyone who attends with a baseline knowledge of Internet marketing fundamentals.
We believe the most important ingredient that makes a workshop / seminar valuable is not only how focused the organizers are on delivering that value, but also how things are structured to make it as easy as possible for the attendees to take that learning and turn it into success. We believe we have taken everything into consideration and we WILL deliver on our promise. 🙂
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