Pete Brand
Grand Rapids, MI

I am married to an incredible woman named Amanda and have five amazing children. I would consider myself an entrepreneur and absolutely love the challenge of building businesses. I also love the journey of personal development. I don't believe in drifting through life on auto-pilot. I believe we are presented each day with opportunities to improve and become better. I choose to embrace these opportunities and use the lessons I learn to become a better "me" and continuously strive to embrace each moment!

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Maximize Your Potential by Having a Positive Attitude

By on August 9, 2009

Throughout the course of my life I’ve never met a successful person who consistently possessed  a  negative attitude.

I am not saying all the successful people I meet are always happy.  All of us have challenges  and  times where we just aren’t on our game, but the most successful people I’ve met ALWAYS  have a positive outlook on their business, their life, and pretty much everything they are involved with.

If you are familiar at all with the Law of Attraction you know that we become and attract what we think about most of the time.  This can be a great thing or a very sad thing depending on where your head’s at the most.

Take a minute and think about the people you know that are truly unhappy.  I’m sure, like me, you’ll start to think of different times when you’ve interacted with these people and my guess is, you’ll have a difficult time identifying many times, if any, where they were talking about their life or circumstances in a positive way.  Most of the time these people are talking about how unlucky they are or how often horrible things happen to them.

Look … I understand terrible things happen to very good people and I don’t believe that these terrible events are limited to only negative people.

I do believe each of us has the ability to limit the negative impact of less than optimal outcomes by CHOOSING to focus on the positive and frame it in our minds as a small speed bump instead of a monumental challenge.

None of us have control over what happens to us.  The only thing  we do have control over is how we react when bad things do happen.

The most successful people in this world have conditioned themselves to look for the opportunity in everything that happens “to them,” and no matter how bleak the circumstances they know they’ll come out on top.

The amazing thing is that any person on earth has the ability to change immediately and begin to look at things in a positve light with successful expectations.  This change can begin to usher in amazing circumstances and opportunities.

It isn’t always easy when making the transition from being negative to positive, but the results you’ll receive will be amazing!

REMEMBER: We attract the circumstances, people, and things we think about most of the time.  This is a universal law and you don’t have the ability to change it.

Do the right thing and begin to occupy your mind with the things and circumstances you’d like in your life and pretty soon you’ll be considered “one of the lucky ones.”    🙂

Take a minute and share any comments you have or any stories you have about people you’ve seen make the change and what you’ve witnessed.