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Want to Excel in Social Media? BE SOCIAL!

By on February 19, 2010

I have been consistently referring to myself as, “The least social person in social media” for quite some time.  Now don’t get me wrong, I am not some anti-social hermit who stays locked up in their basement ranting and raving online … but I am also not some socialite…


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Just Because You Are A Negative Whiner Today, Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Change!

By on August 26, 2009
Alright so I just told you yesterday that if you encounter someone who is always complaining or moaning you need to realize they are simply a complainer and moaner so you shouldn't waste your time asking why... And now I am telling you just because you are a negative whiner today, doesn't mean you can't change! What's the deal? Ha ha!


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It’s Not Just Who You Know … It’s Who You Associate With!

By on August 24, 2009
I am always amazed when I see a couple who has been married for several years and they have adopted each others mannerisms and facial expressions. Sometimes it seems as though they underwent some crazy DNA experiment and were morphing into each other. It's not that difficult to understand how it happens when you think about it. We all share little sayings, inside jokes, private stories, and even similar philosophies on life. After all, your spouse is the person you spend the most time with. Well ... in most cases. :) These same traits, philosophies, and mannersims are transfered into our children as they are being brought up and maturing into adults. Although our children share our DNA and are predisposed to looking like us, there are many other characteristics they pick up from associating with us throughout their formative years. Some good .... Some bad. Think about it for a second ...
Pete Brand
Grand Rapids, MI

I am married to an incredible woman named Amanda and have five amazing children. I would consider myself an entrepreneur and absolutely love the challenge of building businesses. I also love the journey of personal development. I don't believe in drifting through life on auto-pilot. I believe we are presented each day with opportunities to improve and become better. I choose to embrace these opportunities and use the lessons I learn to become a better "me" and continuously strive to embrace each moment!

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