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Personal Growth

Personal Growth Success in Business Success in Life

It’s “OK” to be “OK” With You!

By on February 29, 2016

I’m not sure about you but I’ve spent a good deal of my life shifting and trying to morph into the person I believed other people wanted or expected me to be.  I had no proof of their expectations, I simply defaulted to the belief that I was falling…


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Personal Growth Success in Business Success in Life

Who The Hell Are “They” Anyway?

By on February 24, 2016

They say, “Don’t get your hopes up because you are just opening yourself up for disappointment”

They say, “You should get a good education, so you can get a good job and retire with a nice pension.”

They say, “You should find a spouse, settle down, have kids and save for…


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Personal Growth Success in Business Success in Life Uncategorized

Don’t Serve Others Without Serving Yourself

By on February 23, 2016

I find that it’s easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of life and neglect to set aside time for myself to recharge, recalibrate and refocus to make sure I’m getting what I need out of life. I’ve noticed that most leaders I know have essentially created a…

Pete Brand
Grand Rapids, MI

I am married to an incredible woman named Amanda and have five amazing children. I would consider myself an entrepreneur and absolutely love the challenge of building businesses. I also love the journey of personal development. I don't believe in drifting through life on auto-pilot. I believe we are presented each day with opportunities to improve and become better. I choose to embrace these opportunities and use the lessons I learn to become a better "me" and continuously strive to embrace each moment!

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